Handmade wooden artifacts and gifts

Hi welcome to WOODYFACT. Its a mixed word from wood and artifact... and woodyfact means a wooden artifact! So here you can find some interesting gifts for many occasions. My passion and love for motorcycles also is something that affects many of my items.

All items are made from wood. Some are only made from natural wood and in some cases scrap wood. So recycling is one of my priorities. Instead of burning or throwing away pieces of wood, i collect them and turn them to woodyfacts. Except the clocks, i am not using any plastic.

All items are handmade by me. Some are made on my scroll saw and some with a hand saw. No CNC and no LASER is used, Also the whole process after cutting is done by hand (polishing, painting etc). I hope you like them!

Send me your comments and thoughts if you like!

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